Obama’s Re-election Will Cause More Job-Creators to Leave

Based on official Renunciation Data, published quarterly in the Federal Register, formal renunciations of US citizenship have increased almost 8-fold, since Barack Obama took office. In 2011, formal expatriations reached a record high level, more than doubling the highest level recorded in any year prior to Obama taking office.

Obama Drives Job-Creators to Leave the USA.

So why is this an issue?

Well that question can easily be answered with another question.

“How may of those expats do you think are poor?”

Let’s face it. The poor can’t afford to leave the USA. The vast majority of those who are leaving are almost certainly at least moderately well off and more likely, seriously well off.

But it gets worse.

Now that Obama has been re-elected, he’s promising to further “Soak the Rich”. This means that if congress doesn’t take positive action to reverse Obama’s “Soak the Rich” agenda, then there will be many more successful people leaving over the next 4 years.

But what makes this far worse is the fact that these are the job-creators and the people who pay more than 70% of Federal Personal Income Taxes. Think about it. When did you ever get hired by a poor person?

But that’s still not the worst. You see, for every US citizen who formally renounces, there are hundreds or even thousands more, who just quietly drop out. A 2008 press release fro Zogby International placed the number leaving every year at more than 3 million, “by a modest estimate.

Barack Obama is driving away our most prolific taxpayers and job creators. Of course, the more of them who leave, the more the government will look to those of us who remain, to make up that lost tax base. But then, with fewer people working, those who still have a job will have to pay even higher taxes to make up the difference.

For more information on this important issue, read, “The Rich Don’t Pay Tax! …Or Do They?“, available in print, Kindle and Nook formats.

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The “Red, White & Lori Show” talked about the FairTax

Today, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Lori Hendry, on the "Red, White and Lori" radio show, on WWPR 1490 AM and streaming on the Internet. While we talked about taxes in general, we devoted a good deal of time to discussing the benefits of the FairTax.

In particular, I had the opportunity to explain the difference between the FairTax and a VAT. We also discussed why the idea of a Flat Income Tax was not workable.

As a regular contributor to the "Red, White and Lori Show", on the subject of taxes and the economy, I'll be on the program on an irregular basis, whenever the topic relates to taxes or the economy. That means that I'll be injecting more information about the FairTax, on future programs.

Also, Lori has some great guests lined up and more superb regular contributors. So you might want to tune in on Tuesdays, from noon to 1:00PM, by going to http://RedWhiteAndLori.com/ and clicking on the "Listen Live" button on that page.

If you're a FairTax supporter or you just don't know enough about the FairTax and want to know more, I encourage you to watch Lori's website, to find out when I'm going to be on and then listen in. Actually, listen in anyway.

By the way, I should point out that Lori has recently changed radio stations and there have been a couple of minor technical glitches that they are working on correcting. But don't let that stop you. It's a great program, with great guests.

Of course, if you really want to know more about the FairTax, then I strongly suggest that you pick up a copy of "The FairTax Book", "The Fair Tax: The Truth" and "The Rich Don't Pay Tax! …Or Do They?" All are available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other booksellers.

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